‘The Deleted!’

Posted By YoungDreamer / August, 9, 2016 / 0 comments

‘The Deleted!’ Huge Congratz to Sir Spencer Neville, announced today as part of the new Bret Easton Ellis series for Fullscreen SVOD platform titled ‘The Deleted’ alongside a stellar cast that is just gonna blow everyone’s mind! Cant’ wait to see what devilish gritty trouble these guys are gonna get into for this! The plot sounds amazing!

Check out the full press release on Deadline


Photograph By Brad Everett Young


‘De Cuatro & Counting Threat!’

Posted By YoungDreamer / September, 22, 2015 / 0 comments

‘De Cuatro & Counting Threat!’ She acts, writes, produces, directs & lots lots more! I mean, this talented & nothing short of stunning lady needs her own channel at this point! But until then watch her written words come to life on tonight’s hilarious ep of The CW’s Significant Mother that she co wrote w/ her partner in crime Rich Keith.

Erin Cardillo for Dream Loud Official

Photograph By Brad Everett Young


RIP Wes Craven ‘Master of Horror’

Posted By YoungDreamer / August, 31, 2015 / 0 comments

RIP Wes Craven the true ‘Master of Horror!’ Before moving to LA I was already a true die hard fan of this phenomenal man’s work, but after getting to work w/ him on Scream 3, interview & photograph him at the Scream 3 premiere, screen test for him for S4 and have him give me amazing advice & complements it took it to a new level. I just this week reached out to his people to have him come in and shoot some stuff w/ the new cast of the MTV Scream series and was told he wasn’t feeling well. 🙁 Thank you for endless hours of inspiring us all! Your work will live on and affect the Dreams of countless generations to come!

Photograph By Brad Everett Young

Scream 3 World Premiere / Westwood CA / 02/03/00


Sergio Harford

Posted By YoungDreamer / September, 18, 2014 / 0 comments

Tune in tonight to see if all the mysteries will be resolved in the out of this world Season Finale of CBS’ EXTANT at 10pm!

Live tweet w/ Sergio Harford for the East & West coast airings! Twitter.com/SergioHarford

Ask him all the realllly important things, like.. What did Halle Berry realllly smell like? 🙂

Photographed By Brad Everett Young for Dream Loud Official


Jansen Panettiere

Posted By YoungDreamer / September, 16, 2014 / 0 comments

Jansen Panettiere of The Martial Arts Kid Movie for Dream Loud Official

Photograph By Brad Everett Young
