RIP Wes Craven ‘Master of Horror’

By YoungDreamer / August, 31, 2015 / 0 comments

RIP Wes Craven the true ‘Master of Horror!’ Before moving to LA I was already a true die hard fan of this phenomenal man’s work, but after getting to work w/ him on Scream 3, interview & photograph him at the Scream 3 premiere, screen test for him for S4 and have him give me amazing advice & complements it took it to a new level. I just this week reached out to his people to have him come in and shoot some stuff w/ the new cast of the MTV Scream series and was told he wasn’t feeling well. 🙁 Thank you for endless hours of inspiring us all! Your work will live on and affect the Dreams of countless generations to come!

Photograph By Brad Everett Young

Scream 3 World Premiere / Westwood CA / 02/03/00
