‘A Zombie Classic!’

Posted By YoungDreamer / October, 23, 2015 / 0 comments

‘A Zombie Classic!’ Jay Huguley of AMC The Walking Dead for ‪Dream Loud Official‬. Catch Jay when he joins the global phenomenon series this Sunday in the episode that will leave every single TWD fan talking for a long long time!

Hope Twitter is ready for this one! They might want to turn on the back up generators!

Photograph By Brad Everett Young



Walk This Way?

Posted By YoungDreamer / September, 23, 2015 / 0 comments

‘Walk This Way?’ On Oct 11th the show that everyone alive & not so much is excited about RETURNS! Of course I’m talking about the phenomenon that is AMC’s The Walking Dead! Get ready cuz this season is different than any other! Way different!

Check out this Exclusive interview w/ Josh McDermitt w/ Undead Walking’s Adam Carlson, which features some cool pictures by a certain someone! :))))) PS I made the shirt too lol I’m an 80’s kid. What did you expect? 🙂


Photograph By Brad Everett Young


Visions of Hitchcock!

Posted By YoungDreamer / September, 20, 2015 / 0 comments

‘Visions of Hitchcock!’ Connor Weil of MTV’s Scream for Dream Loud Official

Photograph By Brad Everett Young


You’re Grounded!!!

Posted By YoungDreamer / August, 10, 2015 / 0 comments

‘You’re Grounded!!!’ Go To Your Room, And don’t come out!! TILL it’s time watch The CW’s new Hit Summer series Significant Mother of course! 😉 Tonight’s knock out Guest Star Denise Richards raises more than a little attention & when temperatures rise it makes way for one ‘Not To Miss’ episode!

Tune in & see how Josh Zuckerman’s Nate ‘handles’ the situation on an All New episode tonight at 9:30/8:30c! #WoahMama!

Photograph By Brad Everett Young
