‘Oh Hey Nurse’s Ball’

Posted By YoungDreamer / May, 26, 2016 / 0 comments

‘Oh Hey Nurse’s Ball’ Robert Palmer Watkins of ABC Network’s Emmy Award Winning General Hospital for Dream Loud Official. Nurse’s Ball 2016 is off the charts! Keep watching! The week’s not over yet! GH still has some surprises in store for you!

Photograph By Brad Everett Young


‘Hold the Press!’

Posted By YoungDreamer / May, 26, 2016 / 0 comments

‘Hold the Press!’ Nurses Ball is officially gettin’ ‘Crazy’ ya’ll!! Did you see yesterday’s cliffhanger? And then Todays? C’mon! Surely they won’t let #Brucas get this far and then, then, then…. Tune in tomorrow when all the non stop dramatic action that is General Hospital’s Nurses Ball 2016 continues! Oh it’s not over yet! #SavedTheBestForLast

What do you think? Will they let Lucas…..?

Photograph By Brad Everett Young


Doctors Leave…

Posted By YoungDreamer / May, 1, 2015 / 0 comments

‘You can take the Doctor outta the hospital, but….’ This can only mean it’s time for General Hospital​’s annual Nurses Ball! #NursesBall2015

Starting today tune in for what’s guaranteed to be the most dramatic gala yet! #BloodOnTheDanceFloor

Ryan Carnes​ of ABC’s General Hospital for Dream Loud Official

Photographed By Brad Everett Young​


Ryan Carnes

Posted By YoungDreamer / May, 14, 2014 / 0 comments

Ryan Carnes of General Hospital for Dream Loud Official

Photograph By Brad Everett Young
