‘She Shoots, She SOARS!’
‘She Shoots, She SOARS!’ Looks like the Fall TV season just needed a little girl power to kick it into high gear! CBS’ Supergirl Debuted last night as Fall’s Highest-Rated New Series! Waiting 40 years to have another female heroin series was definitely worth the wait! Huge Congratz to everyone involved in the ‘Super’ new series! 🙂 Brianne Tju of MTV’s Scream for#DreamLoudOfficial
Photograph By Brad Everett Young
Farewell Sonny!
Huge ‘Thank You’ to Soap Opera Network / Errol Lewis for the honor of having my photography accompany your article about the amazing Freddie’s final week on Days of our Lives! You’re the BEST! #Days50
Abracadabra! Christopher M Brochu of The CW’s The Vampire Diaries Throwin’ It Back To Magical Times for Dream Loud Official!
Photograph By Brad Everett Young