“Black Maps & Motel Rooms“

Posted By YoungDreamer / August, 2, 2015 / 0 comments

“Black Maps & Motel Rooms“ I mean, how’s that for an ep title? 🙂 Yeah! Tonight’s episode of True Detective is that good! You might wanna…. ‪#‎HowWillYouWatch‬?

Catch the stunning Carla Vila in tonight’s ep at 9/8c only on HBO!

Photograph By Brad Everett Young


Sister Sister!

Posted By YoungDreamer / July, 20, 2015 / 0 comments

‘Sister Sister!’ Tonight the mystery get’s deeper on an All New episode of True Detective! As the search for Danielle’s sister continues more questions arise!

Don’t miss the gorgeous Carla Vila tonight at 9/8c on HBO!

Photograph By Brad Everett Young


The True Breakout!

Posted By YoungDreamer / June, 22, 2015 / 0 comments

‘The True Breakout!’ When the HIGHLY anticipated 2nd season of HBO​’s True Detective​ premieres Tonight it will welcome a lot of New faces including Vince Vaughn​, Colin Farrell​ Rachel McAdams​ AND the bombshell that is Days of our Lives​ & Southland’s Carla Vila​!! People are still talking about last season and this one is set to raise & shatter the bar! Don’t miss Carla in the show that will have everyone on the edge of their seats all Summer tonight at 9/8c!

Photograph By Brad Everett Young​

Dress By : Louis Verdad​
