‘The Danger Zone!’

Posted By YoungDreamer / January, 25, 2017 / 0 comments

‘The Danger Zone!’ Brandon Beemer of NBC’ Days of our Lives for Dream Loud Official. So, Belle is back in town, but how long will she stay? And how will Shawn react to her return? Will this be a happy ever after family reunion? Tune in all this week to Days of our Lives to see!

Photograph by Brad Everett Young


‘Scorned Belle’

Posted By YoungDreamer / May, 27, 2016 / 0 comments

‘Scorned Belle’ Salem Hath No Fury Like A Scorned Belle! Martha Madison of NBC’ Days of our Lives & the upcoming highly anticipated ‘Ladies of the Lake’ series for Dream Loud Official.

Photograph By Brad Everett Young


The Heartbreaker!

Posted By YoungDreamer / September, 13, 2015 / 0 comments

The Heartbreaker!’ When Olivia Rose Keegan makes her debut on NBC’ Days of our Lives this Fall for the epic 50th Anniversary as Claire Brady, daughter of Martha Madison’s Belle Brady, you can expect her to leave a trail of broken hearts around Salem! If her character is as equally amazing as Olivia is those silly boys won’t stand a chance! Had so much fun shooting w/ this soon to be daytime scene stealer. Lots more to come!

Photograph By Brad Everett Young



Posted By YoungDreamer / July, 2, 2015 / 0 comments

‘Wowza!’ I was trying to think of a completely classy caption for this first teaser from yesterday’s shoot with the bombshell that is Martha Madison​ but ‘Wowza’ was the first thing that came to mind! 🙂 I can’t express how much I freakin’ adored working with this lady & completely understand why fans are so excited she’s returning home to Salem this fall just in time for Days of our Lives 50th Anniversary​! So many more shots from the shoot coming!

Photograph By Brad Everett Young​
